Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mi casa es Mi casa

This is The Vines, the building I will be living in while at Oxford. It is a Victorian era house. Pretty awesome, right? I am excited. I think I've seen this building on Inpsector Morse. At any rate, my parents (along with everyone else) tell me I won't want to come back. After seeing this, I think they may be right. Although the right to bear arms is a definite win for living in America, this is certainly way more nearly as cool as that.
Post Scriptum:
Julius Caesar, when writing the Gallic Wars, was technologically impaired from mounting a camera on his helmet. To compensate for this, his writing style made it sound as if you were write right there with him, in other words, as first person shooter as you could get in classical antiquity. As Dr, Wick put it, "I'm Julius and you're there!"

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