Hello the internet. I am waiting in the terminal listening to the wonderful music of Bach. Not much has happened, really. I helped a nice lady set up the wifi on her laptop and I succeeded at this task primarily because it was already set up and running. If you are going to play the part of the tech-informed youth, it is best to get into a scenario like this. I must confess, traveling alone is not such a bad thing as I thought it would be. I am overlooking the marsh near the airport an it is looking very beautiful and new England-like. The water has that blue-overlaid brown look that it so often does here and the houses on the opposite side are looking very picturesque. It is all tremendously beautiful.
At any rate, I am soon to board a plane bound for Dublin and I have not yet seen a single natural ginger, nor
has a single fight broken out yet have I heard a single Irish accent. I am disappoint. It feels very strange to have left my knife at home, I shouldn't wonder that the withdrawls will set in soon.
On a random side note, there are three guys sitting in rocking chairs overlooking the tarmac looking very epic. I am running out of things to write, as not much has happened thus far. But we shall see. Until next time, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied.
Post scriptum: It seems Dr. Stan Gaede from Gordon may be flying with me. I just saw him walk by.
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